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Academic Staff

Prof. Sherry Xue YANG
BSc (HNU), MPhil (HKBU), PhD (CUHK)
Assistant Professor
Dr. Sherry Xue Yang obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was trained at University of Oxford. She has been appointed as Assistant Professor in JC School of Public Health and Primary Care since 2023. She was trained in areas of health psychology, behavioral medicine, social work, counseling, and social psychology. Dr. Yang is a Principle Investigator of two General Research Funds, three Health Medical Research Funds, Direct Grant, and Millennium Development Goals Programme. Dr. Yang was awarded the American Psychological Association Student Award for International Research, Reaching Out Awards, Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence, Conference Grants by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Cancer Institute (NCI), Early Career Award by the International Society of Behavioral Medicine, and Conference Outstanding Abstract Award.
Research Interests
Internet gaming disorder
Adolescent mental health
Digital mental health
Recent Funded Research Projects
Principal Investigator. Health and Medical Research Fund. Developing and evaluating a Chatbot intervention to reduce common digital addictions among adolescents (2023-2025)
Principal Investigator. Direct Grant. Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Co-Occurring Diabetes and Depression (2023-2024)
Principal Investigator. General Research Fund. Internet gaming disorder among Hong Kong adolescents: Examining the socially-based intergenerational transmission theories (2021-2024)
Principal Investigator. General Research Fund. A cognitive behavioral therapy intervention in reducing Internet gaming disorder among secondary school students in Hong Kong. (2020-2023)
Principal Investigator. Health and Medical Research Fund. An Internet-based self-help skill strengthening (ISSS) selective intervention for secondary school teachers with emotional problems. (2020-2023)
Principal Investigator. Health and Medical Research Fund. A longitudinal study for identifying predictors of incidence/remission of probable depression among secondary school students. (2019-2021)
Selected Publications
Zhuang, X., Zhang, Y., Tang, X., Ng, T. K., Lin, J., & Yang, X.* (2023). Longitudinal modifiable risk and protective factors of internet gaming disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Behavioral Addictions.
Wang, X., Li, Q., Wong, S., & Yang, X.* (2023). Whether and How Parental and Friends’ Internet Gaming Behaviors May Affect Adolescent Internet Gaming Disorder Symptoms: the Cognitive and Behavioral Mechanisms. Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Zhang, G., Ye, X., Wang, X., Lin, Y., Zhu, C., Pan, J., ...Yang, X.*, Hui, L., & Zheng, K. (2023). Serum total cholesterol levels associated with immediate memory performance in patients with chronic schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research.
Yang, X., & Mak, W. W. S. (2020). Addressing sociopolitical determinants of mental health: An emerging challenge in Hong Kong. The Lancet.
Yang, X. & Chiu, M. Y. (2020). Treatment of Adolescent Mental Disorders: Cross-cultural issues. Stephen Hupp and Jeremy D. Jewell (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. Wiley Blackwell.
Yang, X., Qiu, D., Lau, M. & Lau, J. T. (2020). The mediation role of work-life balance stress and chronic fatigue in the relationship between workaholism and depression among Chinese workers in Hong Kong. Journal of Behavioral Addictions.
Yang, X. & Stewart. S. M.. (2020). The Beck Depression Inventory-II as a screening tool of depression in the Chinese adolescent population in Hong Kong: A validation study using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview as the gold standard. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.
Yang, X., Lau, J. T., Wang, Z., & Lau, M. C. (2018). Potential roles of masculine role discrepancy, discrepancy stress, and self-esteem in affecting addictive use of social networking sites among Chinese men: A random population-based study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7, 676-685.
Yang, X., Lau, J. T., & Lau, M. C. (2018). Predictors of remission from probable depression among Hong Kong adolescents–A large-scale longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 229, 491-497.
Yang, X., & Mak, W. W. (2017). The differential moderating roles of self-compassion and mindfulness in self-stigma and well-being among people living with mental illness or HIV. Mindfulness, 8(3), 595-602.
Last Updated: 24 Aug 2023