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The JC Children’s Palliative Care Project Kick-off Ceremony cum Children’s Palliative Care Conference

Organized by the Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF), co-organized by The JC School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (JCCT), the Jockey Club Children’s Palliative Care Project Kick-off Ceremony and Children’s Palliative Care Conference will be held on April 27, 2024, at CUHK Medical Centre. The inaugural event of a pioneering 3-year project supported by JCCT and facilitated by CCF to advance paediatric palliative care will serve as a platform for raising public awareness of providing holistic support to children and their families facing life-threatening conditions.

Professor Eliza Wong, Associate Director (Teaching and Learning) / Professor of JCSPHPC, will share her insights on “Person and Family-Centered Care for Children with Life-limiting and -threatening Illness” at the conference. Paediatric healthcare practitioners, allied health professionals, personnel of academia, healthcare institutes and organisations or interested party are welcome to join!

*Participant may be able to earn the CME/CNE/CPD credits by joining this event. 

The Jockey Club Children’s Palliative Care Project Kick-off Ceremony cum Children’s Palliative Care Conference


27 April 2024 (Saturday)


13:30 – 17:30 (HKT)


Auditorium, 10/F, CUHK Medical Centre, 9 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Registration deadline:

5 April 2024 (Friday)

For enquiries, please contact Ms Vikkie Lo at +852 2328 8323 or email .

For further information, please visit: 

About The Project


The Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) is proud to introduce “Jockey Club Children’s Palliative Care Project”. This is a three-year project generously supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (JCCT), is a significant stride by CCF towards providing holistic support to children and their families facing life-threatening conditions.   

The project allows us to extend our unique children’s palliative care to PICU and NICU patients and their families. This community care model encompasses clinical, social, psychological, spiritual, and practical support domains, which keen on establishing a sustainable and evidence-based practice.

Our professional and multidisciplinary teams are poised to deliver a high-quality “child-centered and family-oriented” care to up to 960 high-impact beneficiaries, including children, teenagers, and their families. We are also committed to train over 1700 health service providers and carers and equip them with the relevant skills and knowledge on their caring journey.    

Through this project, we strive to bring hope to our targeted patients and families, letting them feel the care and support from the wider community and facilitate them to live life to the fullest.



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