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【#TeamSPHPC】Professor Kin-fai Ho 何建輝教授

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

[Please scroll down for English version]

我們熟悉的老師為甚麼會選擇這門學科?他們在工作以外有甚麼消閒活動、遇到壓力時怎樣應對?#TeamSPHPC 系列帶大家走到講桌後,了解他們在課堂以外的生活!

Question 1

What research areas are you interested in? Why would you step into them?

My research interests centre on developing exposure assessment techniques and modifying chemical/toxicological characterization methods to quantify the personal exposure and health impacts of air pollution.

I like environment related topic when I was young. It is interesting to explore the exposure of environmental hazards with advance technologies which can help to support the development of control strategies to reduce the adverse health effects of pollutants

Comparing to other cities with air pollution issues, what elements are found particularly in Hong Kong?

The urban area of Hong Kong has the highest population density in the world. The bulky building blocks, compacted urban volumes and very limited open spaces, seriously block the pollutant dispersion in street canyons. Moreover, we stay most of our time in indoor microenvironments, so it is interesting to determine the personal exposure of air pollutants in Hong Kong.

Question 2

Did you encounter bottlenecks in your research? How would you deal with stress in everyday life?

Sometimes it is difficult to explore an innovative research topic when you have been worked in same research field for more than 10 years. So I would like read books from different research areas or to attend different local or international conferences which can help to stimulate my research thinking during different “interactions”.

I like to play mobile games or veg out in front of the TV (or YouTube). It is a kind of relaxing and help to reduce stress.

Question 3

Where do you feel most comfortable in CUHK/School of Public Health Building?

I like to stay at Basic Medical Sciences Building Snack Bar (Med Can) to enjoy my breakfast. It is not because of its food but for the memories and humanity. When I studied MPhil, I went to Med Can for breakfast every day and I knew the cashier, Amy, for more than 20 years.

Question 4

Which movie inspired you?

I like the film “Dead Poets Society”.

Dead Poets Society conveys a philosophy of education that emphasizes the individuality and nonconformity. The philosophy encourages students to “seize the day”— causing the students to break out of their individual shackles and discover their own passions.

Question 5

If you could go back and give an advice to your younger self at university, what would you say?

“Work hard and play hard.” I don’t think I have studied or played hard at university. I haven’t joined any society or stayed at student hall. It seems that I miss a lot of crazy memories when I was at university.



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