

Prof. Marc Ka-chun CHONG
莊教授的多學科研究主要運用數學統計方法研究環境變化、人類行為和傳染病傳播之間複雜的相互作用。 他的研究興趣包括生物統計學、傳染病建模、環境流行病學和人工智能應用研究。 迄今為止,他已發表了 180 多篇文章,其中75篇作為第一作者或通訊作者。
莊教授是9項基金的首席/聯合首席研究員。在2019年,他獲得醫療衞生研究基金研究獎學金,在英國倫敦帝國理工學院商學院學習衛生經濟學研究。 自 2017 年起,他被任命為 Hong Kong Medical Journal 的統計顧問。另外,他還自 2023 年起擔任 BMC Infectious Diseases 的高級副主編,自 2021 年起擔任PLOS Climate的學術編輯,自 2019 年起擔任BMC Public Health(生物統計學和方法部分)的副主編和PLOS ONE的學術編輯。
自2006年起,莊教授在臨床研究及生物統計中心(前臨床試驗中心)擔任生物統計學家,在學術和工業臨床試驗的各種統計分析方面擁有豐富的經驗。 憑藉生物統計學的專業知識,他不僅在公共衛生和基層醫療學院,還在中大不同院系(包括消化疾病研究所、婦產科、中醫學院、 成像與介入放射學、生物醫學學院和解剖與細胞病理學系)提供數據分析和研究設計方面的支持和教學。他亦在不同的官方項目中擔任統計顧問,例如醫院管理局的"人口基礎醫院資源分配模型"、"外科手術結果監測和改善計劃"、"重症監護病房結果監測計劃"、"神經外科結果監測和改善計劃"等。
Infectious disease dynamics and environmental epidemiology
Applied research of artificial intelligence
In PI/ co-PI capacity:
Establishing surgical risk calculator for post-operative mortality and morbidity in Hong Kong. Health and Medical Research Fund. 1/6/24-30/11/25
Excess all-cause mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong: A time series analysis using territory-wide hospitalization data. CUHK Direct Grant. 30/6/22-29/6/23.
Quantifying the relative contribution of government measures, meteorological factors, and viral genetic variant on COVID-19 activity in a regional and global perspective. Group Research Scheme 2021-22. 30/6/22-29/6/23. -
(co-PI) 早发型子痫前期发病机制及整体化防控策略的研究. Ministry of Science and Technology of China - 2021年度國家重點研發計劃 “十四五” 重點專項. 1/1/22-31/12/25
Does influenza activity trigger asthma exacerbations in Hong Kong? A retrospective modelling analysis. CUHK Direct Grant. 30/6/21-29/6/22. -
(co-PI) Assessment and Implementation of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions to Avoid COVID-19 Resurgences: Accounting for Human Mobility, Contacts and Behavioral Change Using Both Big and Small data. Collaborative Research Fund. 1/2/21-31/7/22.
Activity of Seasonal Influenza Triggered the Hospital Admissions due to Tuberculosis: A Time-Series Analysis. CUHK Direct Grant. 30/6/20-29/6/21.
Determining meteorologically favourable zones for the activities of seasonal influenza A and B in Hong Kong. Health and Medical Research Fund. 1/4/20-30/9/21.
Spatial resources allocation and dynamics planning for public healthcare services. National Natural Science Foundation of China. 1/1/2020-31/12/2022.
Evaluating the sugar-sweetened beverages tax in Hong Kong: An integrated study. Health and Medical Research Fund. 1/9/19-31/8/21.
Development of objective measure of psychotropic substances abuse using Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA), Beat Drugs Fund Regular Funding Scheme. 1/7/19-31/6/21.
Long Term Effectiveness of Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme Strategies: A System Dynamics Simulation Analysis. Health and Medical Research Fund. 1/4/17-30/9/18.
An infectious diseases modeling study to analyze different vaccination strategies for measles elimination. Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Program - Basic research project. 1/11/15-31/10/17.
Chong KC, Zhao S, Hung CT, Jia KM, Ho JY, Lam HCY, Jiang X, Li C, Lin G, Yam CHK, Chow TY, Wang Y, Li K, Wang H, Wei Y, Guo Z, Yeoh EK. Association between meteorological variations and the superspreading potential of SARS-CoV-2 infections. Environment International. 2024; 188:108762. [IF=11.8, rank: 17/275 in Environmental sciences]
Wang H, Wei Y, Hung CT, Lin G, Jiang X, Li C, Jia KM, Yam CHK, Chow TY, Ho JY, Wang Y, Zhao S, Guo Z, Li K, Yang A, Mok CKP, Hui DSC, Yeoh EK, Chong KC*. Association of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir with post-acute sequelae and mortality in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2024:S1473-3099(24)00217-2. [IF=56.3, rank: 1/96 in Infectious Diseases]
Zeng YQ, Chong KC*, Chang LY, Liang X, Guo LH, Dong G, Tam T, Lao XQ. Exposure to Neighborhood Greenness and Hypertension Incidence in Adults: A Longitudinal Cohort Study in Taiwan. Environ Health Perspect. 2024 Mar;132(3):37001. [IF=10.5, rank: 24/275 in Environmental sciences]
Wang Y, Zhao S, Wei Y, Li K, Jiang X, Li C, Ren C, Yin S, Ho J, Ran J, Han L, Zee BCY, Chong KC*. Impact of climate change on dengue fever epidemics in South and Southeast Asian settings: A modelling study. Infectious Disease Modelling. 2023. 8(3): 645-655. [IF=8.8, rank: 2/67 in Mathematical & Computational Biology]
Chong KC, Chan PK, Hung CT, Wong CK, Xiong X, Wei Y, Zhao S, Guo Z, Wang H, Yam CH, Chow TY, Li C, Jiang X, Leung SY, Kwok KL, Yeoh EK, Li K. Changes in all-cause and cause-specific excess mortality before and after the Omicron outbreak of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. J Glob Health. 2023 Apr 28;13:06017. [IF=7.2, rank: 13/180 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health]
Chong KC, Yeoh EK, Leung CC, Lau SY, Lam HC, Goggins WB, Zhao S, Ran J, Mohammad KN, Chan RW, Lai CK Chan PKS, Leung CSY, Chen VXY, Wang Y, Wei Y. Independent effect of weather, air pollutants, and seasonal influenza on risk of tuberculosis hospitalization: An analysis of 22-year hospital admission data. Science of The Total Environment. 2022 May 4:155711. [IF=9.8, rank: 26/274 in Environmental sciences]
Wei Y, Jia KM, Zhao S, Hung CT, Mok CKP, Poon PKM, Man Leung EY, Wang MH, Yam CHK, Chow TY, Guo Z, Yeoh EK, Chong KC*. Estimation of Vaccine Effectiveness of CoronaVac and BNT162b2 Against Severe Outcomes Over Time Among Patients With SARS-CoV-2 Omicron. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Feb 1;6(2):e2254777. [IF=13.8, rank: 15/167 in Medicine, General & Internal]
Wang Y, Wei Y, Li K, Jiang X, Li C, Yue Q, Zee BC, Chong KC*. Impact of extreme weather on dengue fever infection in four Asian countries: a modelling analysis. Environment International. 2022, 19:107518. [IF=11.8, rank: 17/275 in Environmental sciences]
Leung SY, Lau SY, Kwok KL, Mohammad KN, Chan PK, Chong KC*. Short-term association among meteorological variation, outdoor air pollution and acute bronchiolitis in children in a subtropical setting. Thorax. 2021;76(4):360-9. [IF=10.0, rank: 6/65 in Respiratory System]
Chong KC, Lee TC, Bialasiewicz S, Chen J, Smith DW, Choy WSC, Krajden M, Jalal H, Jennings L, Alexander B, Lee HK, Fraaij P, Levy A, Yeung ACM, Tozer S, Lau SYF, Jia KM, Tang JWT, Hui DSC, Chan PKS. Association between meteorological variations and activities of influenza A and B across different climate zones: a multi-region modelling analysis across the globe. J Infect. 2020; 80(1):84-98. [IF=6.072, rank: 10/93 in Infectious Diseases]
Last Updated: 24 May 2024