

Prof. Jean H. KIM
AB (UC Berkeley), Magister Scientiae, Doctor Scientiae (Harvard University)
Director of Studies, Centre for Global Health, CUHK
Professor Kim has a background in both laboratory science and social sciences with training in molecular biology and anthropology. She completed her doctoral studies at Harvard University in HIV epidemiology with sub-concentrations in nutritional epidemiology and reproductive health. She came to Hong Kong as a recipient of Harvard University’s Sinclair-Kennedy Scholarship. Her current research directions are at the interface of Social Epidemiology and Global Health. She is actively engaged in collaborations with the Department of Health and is interested in integrating methodologies from other fields into Public Health research.
My primary areas of research interest are in the area of social epidemiology.
Specifically, I am interested in examining the interface between social factors (health behaviors, attitudes, and macro-level global trends) and health outcomes. In recent years, I have become interested in emerging health issues related to globalization such as alcohol consumption changes, emerging patterns of pathological internet use, reproductive health behaviors and quality of life.
My research uses quantitative methods from epidemiology to the following specific areas:
Factors associated with alcohol consumption changes and alcohol misuse patterns, drunk driving and adolescent alcohol misuse
Behavioral aspects of infectious disease epidemiology (risk perceptions,information-seeking behaviors, help-seeking behaviors, and attitudinal risk factors, self-care behaviors, socio-demographic determinants) of infectious disease-related behaviors such as vaccinations and help-seeking, infectious disease transmission behaviors on health outcomes such as nutritional status, quality of life.
Reproductive health behaviors and sexual dysfunctions in relation to Quality of Life
Internet addiction and pathological internet use
Nutritional epidemiology in infectious disease and cancer patients.
Kim, J.H., Wong, A.H., Lau, J.T., Goggins, W.B., Wong, S., and Griffiths, S.M. Drink driving in Hong Kong: the competing effects of random breath testing and alcohol tax reductions. Addiction; 2013; 108: 1217–1228.
Kim, J.H., Leung, M.C., Yip, B. H., Su X.F. and Griffiths, S.M. Exploring cross-generational adult drinking patterns and physical child maltreatment: a study of Hong Kong adults. (Public Health; 2017;l 144:143–146)
Kim, J.H., Tam, W, and Muennig, P. Sociodemographic correlates of sexlessness among American adults and associations with self-reported happiness levels: Evidence from the U.S. General Social Survey. (2017) Archives of Sexual Behavior https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-017-0968-7
Kim, J.H., Lau, J.T., and Cheuk, K.K. Sexlessness among married Chinese adults in Hong Kong: prevalence and associated factors. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2009. Vol.6. No.11, pp. 2997-3007.
Kim, J.H., Lee, S., Chow, J., Lau, J., Tsang A., Choi J., and Griffiths, S.M. Prevalence and the factors associated with binge drinking, alcohol abuse, and alcohol dependence: a population-based study of Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2008. Vol.43. No.3, pp.360-70.
Kim, J.H., Lau, C.H., Cheuk, K.K., Kan, P., Hui, H.L., and Griffiths, S.M. Predictors of heavy Internet use and associations with health-promoting and health risk behaviors among Hong Kong university students. Journal of Adolescence. 2010; Vol.33. No.1, pp.215-220
Kim, J.H., Spiegelman, D., Rimm, E., and Gorbach, S.L. The correlates of dietary intake among HIV positive adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2001; Vol.74. No.6, pp.852-861.
Kim, J.H., Lo, F.K., Cheuk, K.K., Kwong, M.S., Goggins, W.B., Cai, Y.S., Lee, S.S., and Griffiths, S. (2011) Knowledge of avian influenza (H5N1) among poultry workers, Hong Kong, China. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Vol.17. No.12, pp.2319-2221.
Kim, J.H., Kwong E.M., Chung, V.C.,Wong, T., Lee, J.C.O and Goggins WB. (2013) Prevalence and Factors associated with acute adverse events from over-the-counter Traditional Chinese Medicine: A population-based survey of Hong Kong Chinese adults. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol 13:336-347.
Griffiths, S.M., Kim, J.H., and Lau, C.H. (2011) An Inspiration from Internet Addiction Mal-Treatment in China. 2011. In Price, H.O. (Ed.), Internet Addiction (pp.71-84). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Last Updated: 22 July 2020