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Prof. Ming Kei (Jake) CHUNG
BSc (Hons, CUHK), MPhil (HKBU), PhD (UC Berkeley)
Assistant Professor
Prof. Chung is an exposure biologist with a PhD degree in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. At the Berkeley Center for Exposure Biology, he developed innovative methods for assessing human exposure to reactive chemicals. After graduation, Prof. Chung received training in exposomics at the National Taiwan University and the Duke Kunshan University before further specialization in environmental health and biomedical data sciences at Harvard Medical School. His central research goal is to develop and apply measurement and computational methods to identify the elusive environmental drivers of diseases and decipher their intricate connections within the exposure-disease continuum.
Prof. Chung has published in leading environmental journals such as Environmental Health Perspectives and Environmental Science & Technology, and was interviewed by news and magazine journalists regarding his investigations. He was also invited to Sweden to conduct a technology transfer of one of his innovative assays. In addition, he has served as a grant reviewer for the Medical Research Council, UK and as an article reviewer for several international journals, including Lancet Planetary Health and Environment International.
Research Interests
Mixture Analysis
Environmental Health Data Science
Precision Environmental Health
Selected Publications
M. K. Chung, M. Caboni, P. Strandwitz, A. D’Onofrio, K. Lewis, C. J. Patel, Systematic comparisons between Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome in the U.S. with administrative claims data. eBioMedicine, 104524 (2023).
T. P. van der Meer, M. K. Chung, M. van Faassen, K. C. Makris, A. P. van Beek, I. P. Kema, B. H. R. Wolffenbuttel, J. V. van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, C. J. Patel, Temporal exposure and consistency of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a longitudinal study of individuals with impaired fasting glucose. Environmental Research. 197, 110901 (2021).
V. K. Nguyen, J. Colacino, M. K. Chung, A. Le Goallec, O. Jolliet, C. J. Patel, Characterising the relationships between physiological indicators and all-cause mortality (NHANES): a population-based cohort study. The Lancet Healthy Longevity (2021).
M. K. Chung, S. M. Rappaport, C. E. Wheelock, V. K. Nguyen, der M. T. P. van, G. W. Miller, R. Vermeulen, C. J. Patel, Utilizing a Biology-Driven Approach to Map the Exposome in Health and Disease: An Essential Investment to Drive the Next Generation of Environmental Discovery. Environmental Health Perspectives. 129, 085001 (2021).
M. K. Chung, M. R. Smith, Y. Lin, D. I. Walker, D. Jones, C. J. Patel, S. W. Kong, Plasma metabolomics of autism spectrum disorder and influence of shared components in proband families. Exposome. 1, osab004 (2021).
K. T. Claypool, M. K. Chung, A. Deonarine, E. W. Gregg, C. J. Patel, Characteristics of undiagnosed diabetes in men and women under the age of 50 years in the Indian subcontinent: the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4)/Demographic Health Survey 2015–2016. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care. 8 (2020).
M. K. Chung, G. M. Buck Louis, K. Kannan, C. J. Patel, Exposome-wide association study of semen quality: Systematic discovery of endocrine disrupting chemical biomarkers in fertility require large sample sizes. Environment International. 125, 505–514 (2019).
M. K. Chung, K. Kannan, G. M. Louis, C. J. Patel, Toward capturing the exposome: exposure biomarker variability and coexposure patterns in the shared environment. Environmental Science & Technology. 52, 8801–8810 (2018).
D. B. Day, J. Xiang, J. Mo, F. Li, M. Chung, J. Gong, C. J. Weschler, P. A. Ohman-Strickland, J. Sundell, W. Weng, Y. Zhang, J. (Jim) Zhang, Association of Ozone Exposure With Cardiorespiratory Pathophysiologic Mechanisms in Healthy Adults. JAMA Intern Med. 177, 1344–1353 (2017).
T. H. Yuan, M. K. Chung, C. Y. Lin, S. T. Chen, K. Y. Wu, C. C. Chan, Metabolic profiling of residents in the vicinity of a petrochemical complex. Science of The Total Environment. 548–549, 260–269 (2016).
M. K. Chung, H. Grigoryan, A. T. Iavarone, S. M. Rappaport, Antibody enrichment and mass spectrometry of albumin-cys34 adducts. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 27, 400–407 (2014).
M. K. Chung, L. Regazzoni, M. McClean, R. Herrick, S. M. Rappaport, A sandwich ELISA for measuring benzo[a]pyrene–albumin adducts in human plasma. Analytical Biochemistry. 435, 140–149 (2013).
M. K. Chung, J. Riby, H. Li, A. T. Iavarone, E. R. Williams, Y. Zheng, S. M. Rappaport, A sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for adducts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with human serum albumin. Analytical Biochemistry. 400, 123–129 (2010).
Last Updated: 18 July 2023