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Academic Staff

Ms. Iris Pui Man LAI
Assistant Lecturer
Email: irispmlai@cuhk.edu.hk
Ms Lai obtained her Bachelor degree in Social Work from HKBU and Master Degree in Family Counselling and Family Education from CUHK. Ms Lai is a registered social worker and has been engaged in non-governmental organisations with frontline and management positions for ten years. She has worked for residential care, centre-based community care and home-based care services before joining JCSPHPC. She has extensive experiences in working with elderly and their families. She is also specialized in end-of-life care services with her practical and training experiences. She is now a Fellow in Thanatology of the Association for Death Education and Counselling.
From Nov 2023, Ms Lai has been appointed as an assistant lecturer in the School responsible for teaching in Bachelor of Science in Gerontology Programme.
Research Interests
Social work in health care
Holistic care
End-of-life care
Death and bereavement