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Prof. Claire Chenwen ZHONG

PhD (CUHK), MMed (SYSU), BMed (SYSU)


  • Sept 2023- Current: Cochrane membership; The Cochrane Collaboration

  • Jan 2023- Current: Youth Editorial Board; Chinese General Practice Journal

  • Feb 2023- Current: ISPOR membership; The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research


钟陈雯教授目前担任香港中文大学公共卫生及基层医疗学院的研究助理教授,以及Cochrane Collaboration及 The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research的成员,还担任中国全科医学杂志的青年编委。钟教授在中山大学获得医学学士及硕士学位,在香港中文大学取得公共卫生博士学位。她曾获得Ernst Mach Grant - Eurasia-Pacific Uninet奖学金,以支持其于2022年访问维也纳医科大学的研究。她还获得了香港特别行政区政府教育局的「Reaching Out Awards」及香港家庭医学学院的最佳研究论文奖。


钟教授积极参与申请研究资金,目前担任一个中医药发展基金项目的项目统筹,并作为四个其他项目的共同申请人,总资金超过500万港元。她在国际同行评审的学术期刊上发表了多篇第一或第二作者及通讯作者文章。她还积极参加国际及本地汇报,并担任多本国际同行评审学术期刊的审稿人,包括享有声誉的《Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine》、《International Journal of Surgery》及《Journal of General Internal Medicine 》等。


  • 非传染性疾病预防研究

    • 药物相互作用分析、大数据分析和机器学习

  • 基层医疗研究

    • 开发基于证据和适应当地的干预或临床实践指南

    • 评估初级保健质量和开发评估标准

  • 实施科学研究

    • 探讨疫苗接种和癌症筛查的实施决定因素

    • 使用实施研究框架评估基层医疗慢性疾病参考框架的实施情况

  • 传统中医研究

    • 对传统中医试验的研究方法质量评估

    • 探索符合中医药特点的中医研究模式及方法

    • 基于循证证据或实证研究评估中医疗效和安全性


  • PI. Chinese Medicine Development Fund. Assessing the Performance on Registration, Risk of Bias, and Reporting Quality of Randomized Trials on Acupuncture: A Cross-sectional Study.

  • Co-Investigator. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Construction and Evaluation of a Sustainable Resistance Exercise Intervention Model for Frail Older Adults Based on Peer Volunteers.

  • Co-Investigator. Chinese Medicine Development Fund. Identifying Priorities and Developing Theoretically-informed Strategies for Integrating Chinese Medicine in Paediatric Palliative Care: A Multi-stakeholder Analysis.

  • Co-Investigator. Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Construction and Evaluation of Complex Intervention Strategies for Community-Dwelling Frail Older Adults Based on Multi-stage Optimization Strategies.

  • Co-Investigator. CUHK Direct Grant. Lung Cancer Attributable to Air Pollution in the WHO Western Pacific Region.


  1. Zhong, C., Huang, J., Li, L., Luo, Z., Liang, C., Zhou, M., Hu, N., & Kuang, L. Relationship between patient-perceived quality of primary care and self-reported hospital utilisation in China: A cross-sectional study. European Journal of General Practice, 2024, 30(1), 2308740.

  2. Zhong C., Wong C., Hung, C. T., Yeoh, E. K., Wong, E.L. & Chung, V. C. Contextualizing evidence-based nurse-led interventions for reducing 30-day hospital readmissions using GRADE Evidence to Decision Framework: A Delphi study. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 2023, 20 (4), 315-329.

  3. Zhong, C., Wong, C. H., Hung, C. T., Yeoh, E. K., Wong, E. L., & Chung, V. C. Adapting evidence-informed peri-discharge complex interventions in reducing 30-day hospital readmissions for heart failure and COPD. Health Policy and Technology, 2023, 100804.

  4. Zhong, C., Zhao, J., Wong, C. H., Wu, I. X., Mao, C., Yeung, J. W., & Chung, V. C., Methodological quality of systematic reviews on treatments for Alzheimer’s disease: a cross-sectional study. Alzheimers Research & Therapy. 2022. 14 (1), 1-12.

  5. Zhong C., Wong C., Cheung K., Yeoh, E. K., Hung, C. T., Yip, B. H., Wong, E.L., Wong, S. Y. & Chung, V. C. Effectiveness of Peri-Discharge Complex Interventions for Reducing 30-Day Readmissions among COPD Patients: Overview of Systematic Reviews and Network Meta-Analysis, International journal of integrated care, 2022, 22(1).

  6. Zhong, C., Huang, J., Li, L., Luo, Z., Liang, C., Zhou, M., & Kuang, L. Development and Validation of a Rapid Assessment Version of the Assessment Survey of Primary Care in China. Frontiers in public health, 2022, 10.

  7. Zhong, C., Zhou, M., Luo, Z., Liang C., Li, Li., & Kuang L. Association between doctor-patient familiarity and patient-centred care during general practitioner's consultations: a direct observational study in Chinese primary care practice. BMC Family Practice. 2021, 22, 107.

  8. Zhong C., Wong C., Cheung K., Yeoh, E. K., Hung, C. T., Yip, B. H., Wong, E.L., Wong, S. Y. & Chung, V. C. Peri-discharge complex interventions for reducing 30-day hospital readmissions among heart failure patients: overview of systematic reviews and network meta-analysis, Perspectives in Public Health, 2020.

  9. Zhong C, Luo Z, Liang C, Zhou, M., & Kuang L. An overview of general practitioner consultations in China: a direct observational study. Family Practice, 2020.

  10. Zhong, C., Kuang, L., Li, L. et al. Equity in patient experiences of primary care in community health centers using primary care assessment tool: a comparison of rural-to-urban migrants and urban locals in Guangdong, China. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2018, 17: 51.

Last Updated: 7 October 2024

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