5月30日[Register Now] Participatory health research and designathons for health: A participatory workshopParticipatory research is a cornerstone of public health. This workshop will review some of the fundamentals of participatory research in...
5月22日[Register Now] Motivational Interviewing and Behaviour ChangeJockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is delighted to invite Dr....
5月20日【靜觀認知療法導師培訓專業證書課程Professional Certificate in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Teacher Training】Professional Certificate in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Teacher Training is jointly organized by The Chinese University of Hong...
5月10日【新聞稿】中大與歐美合作夥伴共同領導國際研究 為自閉症患者男女失衡比例帶來嶄新見解自閉症譜系障礙(簡稱ASD)患者男多女少,比例約為4比1,然而醫學界一直未能確定導致這種性別差異的原因。香港中文大學(中大)聯合歐美合作夥伴最近進行一項國際研究,為理解ASD男女患者比例失衡帶來新突破。他們的研究揭示,因先天遺傳因素而患上ASD的男性個案比例較女性個案高出約...
5月7日[Register Now] TEDxCUHK: Why do we need to talk about inequalities in an unequal world? By Prof. Roger ChungThis year, TEDxCUHK is returning for the summer with a full day of inspiring talks with the theme “The Alchemy of Stories”. Professor...