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Study: Exposure Settings Impact COVID-19 Transmission With Entertainment Setting

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

Photo by CUHK CPRO

Outbreaks of COVID-19 have resulted in the dissemination of the virus in the community. A study conducted by The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care of the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) showed that other than the infectiousness of the source, the physical setting where the infection was transmitted played a key role in the propagation of the virus in society. In the first two waves of the outbreak in Hong Kong, entertainment venues accounted for the highest number of local primary setting transmissions and were linked with the widest range of subsequent cascades of transmissions settings.

This finding is critical for controlling the spread of COVID-19 in the community. The research team reported their results in the latest issue of Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.

Study is first of its kind using network epidemiology to investigate the relationship between different physical settings and their propensity for propagation

The research article “Settings of virus exposure and their implications in the propagation of transmission networks in a COVID-19 outbreak” was published in the latest issue of the Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific:

Press Release:


群組爆發導致新型冠狀病毒在社區中傳播。香港中文大學(中大)醫學院賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院最新發布的一項研究指出,除了病毒本身的傳染性外,社區的接觸環境對病毒傳播同樣起關鍵作用。在本港首兩波的新冠肺炎疫情中,娛樂場所是傳播次數最多的「主要接觸環境」,涉及的「延續接觸環境」範圍亦是最大。是次研究發現對控制新冠肺炎在社區的傳播非常重要,研究文章剛於最新一期的Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific發表。


相關研究文章《新冠肺炎爆發期間接觸環境對傳播網絡的影響》已在最新一期的Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific發表,詳情可瀏覽:


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