8月29日中大賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院與牛津人口健康中心研究揭示夜間酷熱可顯著增加緊急住院風險研究發現,相比於沒有夜間熱能過剩(或稱「熱夜餘量」,HNe),極端熱夜餘量(相當於夜間經歷超過28°C以上2°C並持續12小時)與緊急住院風險增長3.1%相關; 其中,循環系統疾病住院、長者及社經弱勢社群受熱夜餘量的影響更大,相關的住院風險增幅為3.4-5.3%;...
8月12日[Event Highlights] CUHK HKPFS Summer Workshop – Intake 2025-26Hosted by The JC School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC), the CUHK HK PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) Summer Workshop – Intake...
8月6日A workshop on health economics in policy and practice by Prof. Stephen Jan The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC) is pleased to co-host “A workshop on health economics in policy and...
8月2日[Event Highlights] Zhejiang University’s Academic VisitFollowing a successful visit in August 2023, academics and research postgraduate students from the School of Public Health at Zhejiang...
8月2日 [Event Highlights] Seminar by Prof Tamara Giles-VernickOn July 29, Prof Tamara Giles-Vernick from the Institut Pasteur delivered an inspiring presentation titled "(Not knowing) TBE: The Social...
8月2日[Event Highlights] Prince of Songkla University’s Academic VisitWe are delighted to welcome academics from the Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University (PSU) to visit our School on 26 July. The...