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SPHPC Public Workshop & Lectures on Implementation Science by Professor Per Nilsen


Speaker: Prof. Per Nilsen, Professor in community medicine, Linköping University, Sweden (more info)

Fee: Free

Workshop: Linking the Theory and Practice of Implementation Science

Date: 18 October 2022 (Tuesday)

Time: 5:00 – 8:00 pm (Hong Kong Time, GMT+8)

Mode: Hybrid (face-to-face + Zoom)

Face-to-face Venue*: Room 425, 4/F, School of Public Health Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin

This is a lecture and workshop to facilitate an understanding of doing implementation science research. The aim is to provide guidance and tips of relevance for conducting implementation science research studies. The first part is an introductory lecture that provides an overview of the field, presenting both theoretical approaches and more hands-on guidance on doing research in implementation science. The second part takes the form of an interactive workshop where the focus is on the participants’ ideas and plans for implementation research projects and/or projects that are already up and running. The participants prepare and present a few Power Point slides that describe their plans or projects (e.g. aim, methods, setting). They also prepare by writing down and submitting project-relevant questions to the course leader who responds during the workshop.

Lecture: No Magic Bullet – Perspectives on the Challenges of Practice Change

Date: 25 October 2022 (Tuesday)

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm (Hong Kong Time, GMT+8)

Mode: Hybrid (face-to-face + Zoom)

Face-to-face Venue*: Room 425, 4/F, School of Public Health Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin

Implementation science ultimately requires practice change in healthcare and other societal sectors striving to achieve an evidence-based practice. It is well established that practice change can be very difficult to realize since there are often barriers in the form of ingrained habits and embedded routines of health professionals (and other practitioners) as well as firmly established work processes and professional cultures that tend to be difficult to change. There is no “magic bullet” to achieving practice change, making it important to understand the challenges from different perspectives. This two-hour lecture explores practice change from several theoretical perspectives, including behaviorism, social-cognitive theories, dual process theories and cultural perspectives. The aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges of practice change. Implications for implementation strategies to support desired changes are addressed in the lecture.

*Quota for each face-to-face session is 15 and will be assigned to members of the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK on a first-come-first-served basis

About Prof. Per Nilsen

Prof. Per Nilsen is a professor in implementation research at Linköping University, Sweden. He was responsible for building a research program on implementation science at Linköping University, which has attracted national and international interest. As part of this program, Prof. Nilsen developed Master and doctoral-level implementation courses, which have run annually since 2011. The PhD course is international and attracts students from all over the world.

Prof. Nilsen leads several projects on implementation of evidence-based practices and policies in various settings. His research also covers issues such as workplace learning, change responses, leadership and professional culture in healthcare. He takes particular interest in issues concerning behaviour and practice change and the use of theories, models and frameworks for improved understanding and explanation of implementation challenges.

Enquiry: (Tel) +852 2252 8786 / (Email)

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