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Professor Carmen Wong Awarded 2020 UGC Teaching Award

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

In recognition of the contribution and achievements in medical education, interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral educational collaborations, Dr. Carmen Wong, Assistant Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Medicine and Associate Professor of Practice in Family Medicine and Medical Education of the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, the University Grants Committee (UGC) of Hong Kong has awarded her the 2020 UGC Teaching Award (General Faculty Members).

Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, said, “I heartily congratulate Dr. Carmen Wong for gaining this exceptional recognition. Dr. Wong’s enthusiasm in medical education is most impressive. She inspires her students to solve problems with innovative thinking, guides them to develop professional skills and enriches their learning experience. She leads the inter-professional teams of clinicians and tutors to adopt a diversified approach to enhance teaching and learning quality. The University is proud of her achievements."

Dr. Wong is honoured to receive this distinguished award. She hopes to use the award to further innovate professional learning. Dr. Wong said, “This moment would not be possible without a fabulous team which make change happen. I wish to thank my colleagues for their dedicated support, encouragement and unwavering belief in education, as well as our community partners, family doctors and the supporting teams for their assistance in executing new initiatives tirelessly and resolving problems. Thank you to my family, all the students and patients I have journeyed with in the past decade, for their support.”

Having joined CUHK in 2010, Dr. Wong is currently the Assistant Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Medicine, Associate Director of Office of Medical Education, Associate Professor of The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, and Director of the Centre of Research and Promotion of Women's Health. She is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (UK). Dr. Wong is committed to the pursuit of professionalism in higher education. Her novel use of design thinking in developing professional skills ensures results are learner centred and enhance metacognition and skills in a variety of societal and professional contexts; for example, the skills in dealing with emotional patients, as well as understanding and interacting with a wide range of people in society such as ethnic minorities and offenders.

She is dedicated to leading inter-professional teams of clinicians, health professionals and tutors in projects and adopts an interpersonal approach with a combination of blended online and experiential learning and community engagement, practitioner’s debrief and reflective practice through roleplay workshops, video consultations. Her innovations and research are copious in the fields of family medicine training, clinical communication skills and health professions development, with extensive experience in assessment methods.

For the benefit of others, Dr. Wong will utilise the award grant to equip teachers with pedagogy in professionalism, and adopt design thinking to enhance collaborative creativity and innovation in curriculum design amongst teachers, in co-creation with learners and stakeholders. A community of practice will be established within and across disciplines to strengthen international and network connections to create a sustainable and responsive dialogue and resources to improve students’ professional and career development.

The annual UGC Teaching Award was introduced in 2011 to honour those who excel in teaching in the UGC sector and their leadership in and scholarly contribution to teaching and learning within and across institutions.

Awardee Video:

Dr. Carmen Wong (left) receives the award certificate from Mr. Carlson Tong, Chairman of UGC. (Photo provided by the organiser)










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