The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care of the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has received a generous donation of HK$12 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the Trust) for the establishment of a public health programme namely “CUHK-Jockey Club Pain Relief Project for the Seniors”.
The three-year project, officially launched in January 2019, aims to promote relief measures for chronic pain in the elderly and raise public awareness of this issue through service, health education and research. The project is designed for people aged 60 or above who have had chronic pain for three months or longer to provide them with service, health education and research.
The allied health team led by Prof. Regina SIT, Director of this project, has announced their findings and their new round of participants’ recruitment in a press conference on 14 January 2020. Please visit CPRO website for the official press release (CHI | ENG).
Media coverage of the press conference:
Oriental Daily - 醫健:跨學科團隊 緩解長者痛症
Sky Post - 長者學拉筋深蹲 助改善痛症
Hong Kong Commercial Daily - 長者痛症多 膝痛最常見
Hong Kong Economics Times - 老友記患痛症 4成現焦慮
Healthyd.com - 中大研究︰九成受訪長者有兩個或以上痛症部位
RTHK - 中大:近九成參與緩解計劃長者有兩個或以上疼痛部位
Hong Kong Economics Times - 研究指9成長者有2處疼痛部位 中大推痛症紓緩計劃
On.cc - 慢性痛症長者容易焦慮 中大倡多出戶外伸展
Pneuma News - 9成長者2個或以上疼痛部位 醫生:非醫藥處方更有效緩解痛症
HK01 - 中大研究︰九成受訪長者有兩個或以上痛症部位 膝痛佔最多
Hong Kong Headline - 中大:近九成參與緩解計劃長者 有兩個或以上疼痛部位
Bastille Post - 中大:近九成受訪長者 有兩個或以上疼痛部位
SingTao Daily - 中大:近九成參與緩解計劃長者 有兩個或以上疼痛部位
Line Today - 中大:近九成參與緩解計劃長者有兩個或以上疼痛部位
Other media coverage of the project:
6 Jan 2020 – RTHK Radio 1 (香港電台 第一台) – Radio Programme 「精靈一點」

13 Oct 2019 - Commercial Radio Hong Kong – FM88.1 (商業電台雷霆881) – Radio Programme「同途有心人」

Programme Website: https://pain.sphpc.cuhk.edu.hk/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuhkpain/