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Successful Conclusion of HK SciFest 2019

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

The JC School of Public Health and Primary Care partnered with The Hong Kong Science Museum once again in the annual Hong Kong Science Festival – an integrated science programme held from 12 to 28 April 2019. The community responded enthusiastically to the booth and the two workshops hosted by the School. The booth: “Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Applications using Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA)” showed how ARIA technology is applied in stroke risk assessment for health promotion and education purposes in the community. Prof. Benny Zee and his team also shared their experience on the development of digital public health. An interactive workshop: “What Else are We Actually Eating? Food Additives and Health” was held for families on 27 April 2019. Prof. Nelson Yeung and Dr. Tony Yung shared some knowledge with the participants on artificial food additives. Through this interesting workshop, participants understood the health effects of food additives on health and learned how to look for more natural alternatives.   Another workshop: “Survival Race and the Science behind Survival in Open Water”, hosted by Dr. Lancelot Mui, was held on 11 May 2019. Participants learned about the science behind open water survival and explored how to create and improve devices that can improve survival in water. 



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