Research &

Research Themes
Bioinformatics, Machine Learning and Big Data

Research Grants
Early Detection of Dementia in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Based on White Matter Hyperhltensities Estimated by Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA) Method
PI: Prof Benny ZEE
Sponsor: Innovation and Technology Commission-Midstream Research Programme for Universities (MRP)
Duration: 2018 – 2020
An Integrated e-Health and Motivational Interviewing Intervention Promoting Expression of Organ Donation Wish to Family Members Among Those with Such Intent: A Randomized Controlled Trial
PI: Prof Nelson YEUNG
Sponsor: Food and Health Bureau (FHB) Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Duration: 2018 – 2020
Improving prediction accuracy of Alzheimer's Disease by incorporating novel feature selection method in genomic analysis
PI: Prof Maggie WANG
Sponsor: National Natural Science of Foundation of China (NSFC) General Project
Duration: 2019 – 2022
Development of Objective Measure of Psychotropic Substances abuse using Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA)
PI: Prof Marc CHONG
Sponsor: Beat Drugs Fund (BDF)
Duration: 2019 – 2022
Research Papers
Chong KC, Liang JB, Jia KM, Kobayashi N, Wang MHT, Wei L, Lau SYF, Sumi A (2020). Latitudes mediate the association between influenza activity and meteorological factors: A nationwide modelling analysis in 45 Japanese prefectures from 2000 to 2018. Science of The Total Environment, 703:134727.
Chong KC, Lee TC, Bialasiewicz S, Chen J, Smith D, Choy WSC, Krajden M, Jalal H, Jennings L, Alexander B, Lee HK, Fraaij P, Levy A, Yeung ACM, Tozer S, Lau SYF, Jia KM, Tang JWT, Hui DSC, Chan PKS (2020). Association between meteorological variations and activities of influenza A and B across different climate zones: A multi-region modelling analysis across the globe. Journal of Infection, 80(1):84–98.
Chong KC, Leung CC, Yew WW, Zee BC, Tam GC, Wang MHT, Jia KM, Chung PH, Lau SY, Han X, Yeoh EK (2019). Mathematical modelling of the impact of treating latent tuberculosis infection in the elderly in a city with intermediate tuberculosis burden. Scientific Reports, 9:4869.
Wang HT, Cordell H, Steen K (2019). Statistical Methods for Genome-wide Association Studies. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 55:53–60.