Research &

Research Themes
Mental Well-Being, Social & Health Behavior, Addiction

Research Grants
The effects of a mindfulness based intervention – MYmind – for children with ADHD and their parents: A randomized controlled trial
PI: Prof Samuel WONG
Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF)
Duration: 2018 – 2020
A 3-phase survey, training, and inter-disciplinary combined on-line/offline, theory-based and evidence-based intervention for prevention of psychoactive substance among adolescents who are case-work clients of social workers (The My Sunny Way Project)
PI: Prof Joseph LAU
Sponsor: Beat Drugs Fund (BDF)
Duration: 2018 – 2021
An online psychological intervention in promoting mental well-being among Chinese adolescents
PI: Prof Pheonix MO
Sponsor: Food and Health Bureau (FHB) Health Care and Promotion Scheme (HCPS)
Duration: 2019 – 2021
A randomized controlled trial of an internet-based self-help skill strengthening (ISSS) selective intervention for secondary school teachers with emotional problems
PI: Prof Sherry YANG
Sponsor: Food and Health Bureau (FHB) Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Duration: 2020 – 2023
School ethnic-racial socialization, ethnic identity, and psychological health in context: Truku indigenous adolescents in Eastern Taiwan
PI: Prof Angel LAI
Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF)
Duration: 2021 – 2022
The effects of mindfulness-based intervention for loneliness on older adults: a randomised controlled trial
PI: Prof Samuel WONG
Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF)
Duration: 2021 – 2023
Sex differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A population-based genetic epidemiological study
PI: Prof Benjamin YIP
Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) Early Career Scheme (ECS)
Duration: 2021 – 2023
Internet gambling disorder among Hong Kong adolescents: examining the socially-based intergenerational transmission theories
PI: Prof Sherry YANG
Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF)
Duration: 2021 – 2023
Research Papers
Mo P.K.H., Fong V.W.I., Song B., Di J., Wang Q., Wang L. (2021). Association of perceived threat, negative emotions, and self-efficacy with mental health and personal protective behavior among chinese pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-sectional survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4):e24053.
She R., Mo P.K.-H., Ma T., Liu Y., Lau J.T.-F. (2021). Impact of Minority Stress and Poor Mental Health on Sexual Risk Behaviors among Transgender Women Sex Workers in Shenyang, China. AIDS and Behavior, 25(6):1790-1799.
Wang Z., Lau J.T.F., Mary Ip T.K., Yu Y., Fong F., Fang Y., Mo P.K.H. (2021). Two web-based and theory-based interventions with and without brief motivational interviewing in the promotion of human papillomavirus vaccination among chinese men who have sex with men: Randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2):e21465.
Yang X., Song B., Wu A., Mo P.K.H., Di J., Wang Q.*, Lau J.T.F., Wang L. (2021). Social, Cognitive, and eHealth Mechanisms of COVID-19-Related Lockdown and Mandatory Quarantine That Potentially Affect the Mental Health of Pregnant Women in China: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(1):24495.
Bai D, Marrus N, Yip BHK, Reichenberg A, Constantino J, Sandin S (2020). Inherited Risk for Autism Through Maternal and Paternal lineage. Biological Psychiatry, 88(6):480–487.
Wang ZX, Yang X, Mo PKH, Fang Y, Ip MTK, Lau JTF (2020). Influence of social media on sexualized drug use and chemsed among Chinese men who have sex with men: observational prospective cohort study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7):1–19.
Yang X, Wang Q, Wang X, Mo PKH, Wang Z, Lau JT, Wang L (2020). Direct and indirect associations between interpersonal resources and posttraumatic growth through resilience among women living with HIV in China. AIDS and Behavior, 24(6):1687–1700.
Chan JYC, Chan TK, Kwok TCY, Wong SYS, Lee ATC, Tsoi KKF* (2020). Cognitive Training Interventions and Depression in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Age and Ageing, 49(5):738–747.
Mo PKH, Chen X, Lam EHK, Li JH, Kahler C, Lau JTF* (2020). The Moderating Role of Social Support on the Relationship Between Anxiety, Stigma, and Intention to Use Illicit Drugs Among HIV‑Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men. AIDS and Behavior, 24(1):55–64.
Chen X, Mo PKH, Li J, Lau JTF* (2020). Factors associated with drug use among HIV-infected men who have sex with men in China. AIDS and Behavior, 24(6):1612–1620.
Chan JYC, Yiu KKL, Kwok TCY, Wong SYS, Tsoi KKF* (2019). Depression and Antidepressants as Potential Risk Factors in Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of 18 Longitudinal Studies. Journal of The American Medical Directors Association, 20(3):279–286.
Bai D, Yip BHK, Windham GC, Sourander A, Francis R, Yoffe R, Glasson E, Mahjani B, Suominen A, Leonard H, Gissler G, Buxbaum J, Wong K, Schendel D, Kodesh A, Breshnahan M, Levine S, Parner E, Hansen S, Hultman C, Reichenberg A, Sandin S (2019). Association of Genetic and Environmental Factors With Autism in a 5-Country Cohort. JAMA Psychiatry, 76(10):1035–1043.
Mo PKH, Wong HWC, Lam EHK (2019). Can the Health Belief Model and moral responsibility explain influenza vaccination uptake among nurses? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(6):1188–1206.
Wang Z, Yang L, Hao C, Jiang H, Zhang J, Luo Z, Zheng Z, Lau JTF (2019). A randomized controlled trial evaluating efficacy of a brief setting-based and theory-based intervention promoting voluntary medical male circumcision among heterosexual male sexually transmitted disease patients in China. AIDS and Behavior, 23(9):2453–2466.