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Academic Staff

Prof. Eric Kam-pui LEE
MBBS(HKU), FHKCFP, FRACGP, FHKAM (Family Medicine), MSc EBHC (Oxon), MSc Mental Health (CUHK), DPD (Cardiff), Dip Med (CUHK)
Associate Professor (Clinical)
Academic Appointments
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, University of Hong Kong, since 2023
Member, ESH Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability, since 2019
Member, Family Medicine Specialist Exit Exam (research segment) Board, Hong Kong College of Family Physician, since 2017
Dr. Lee completed his medical education at the University of Hong Kong in 2007 and has over 10 years of experience practicing family medicine in Hong Kong. In 2016, he obtained his specialist qualification. Subsequently, he earned a master's degree in Mental Health from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014, followed by a master's degree in Evidence-Based Health Care from the University of Oxford in 2020.
Currently, Dr. Lee holds the position of Clinical Associate Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Throughout his career, he has conducted cross-sectional studies, randomized controlled trials, and meta-analyses to investigate various methods of blood pressure measurement and treatments for nocturnal hypertension, including the use of lifestyle interventions such as exercise and mindfulness. His research findings have been incorporated into international guidelines. Additionally, Dr. Lee is an active member of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability.
Research Interests
Chronic diseases
Mindfulness interventions
Primary care
Recent Funded Research Projects
Can TElemedicine system replace doctor consultations to Achieve non-inferior blood pressure in patients with Controlled Hypertension (TEACH)? a randomised controlled trial and cost-minimization analysis
Improving primary health care for hypertension management among adults of working age: a formative study in Shenzhen and Hong Kong
Feasibility and acceptability of mindfulness-based stress reduction program on patients with nocturnal hypertension: A pilot randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of a complex exercise intervention to normalize blood pressure and its nocturnal dipping in patients with hypertension in primary care: a randomized-controlled trial
Home blood pressure during night-time sleep as a better treatment target for patients with hypertension: a proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial
Sensitivity and specificity of guidelines’ recommendations and existing predictive models to detect undiagnosed diabetes mellitus or prediabetes in a Chinese population
Online Holistic Wellness Programme for Children with Special Educational Needs and Their Families
Selected Publications
(only hypertension-related research shown)
EKP Lee, S Wang, WL Ng, SN Ramdzan, ETY Tse, L Chan, AA Rashid, WY Chin, CP Yu, R Sit, P Poon. Evening dosing versus morning dosing of anti-hypertensive medications for nocturnal hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 107 randomized controlled trials. Journal of Hypertension (accepted manuscript)
Wang S, Wong SY, Yip BH, Lee EK. Age-dependent association of central blood pressure with cardiovascular outcomes: a cohort study involving 34 289 participants using the UK biobank. Journal of Hypertension. 2024 Feb 1:10-97.
Wang S, Leung M, Leung SY, Han J, Leung W, Hui E, Mihailidou A, Kam-Fai Tsoi K, Chi-Sang Wong M, Wong SY, Lee EK. Safety, Feasibility, and Acceptability of Telemedicine for Hypertension in Primary Care: A Proof-of-concept and Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (SATE-HT). Journal of Medical Systems. 2023 Mar 11;47(1):34.
Hu R, Hui SS, Lee EK, Stoutenberg M, Wong SY, Yang YJ. Factors associated with physical activity promotion efforts in individuals with chronic diseases: A systematic review from the perspective of patients. Patient Education and Counseling. 2023 Jan 20:107641.
Chu RY, Dong D, Wong SY, Lee EK. Barriers and Determinants to the Underutilized Hypertension Screening in Primary Care Patients in Hong Kong: A Mixed-Method Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023 Jan 5;20(2):985.
Lee EK, Zhu MT, Chan DC, Yip BH, Mihailidou AS, Wong SY. Reply to ‘Night-time blood pressure definition and target organ damage: the dark side of the moon’. Journal of Hypertension. 2022 Dec 1;40(12):2539-40.
Lee EK, Poon P, Yip BH, Bo Y, Zhu MT, Yu CP, Ngai AC, Wong MC, Wong SY. Global Burden, Regional Differences, Trends, and Health Consequences of Medication Nonadherence for Hypertension During 2010 to 2020: A Meta‐Analysis Involving 27 Million Patients. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2022 Sep 6;11(17):e026582.
Tang EWL, Yip BHK, Yu C-P, Wong SYS, Lee EKP. Sensitivity and specificity of automated blood pressure devices to detect atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 9:956542. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.956542
Lee EKP, Zhu M, Chan DC, Yip BH, Mihailidou AS, Wong SY. Comparing effect of definition of diurnal periods by diary, fixed periods, and actigraphy on ambulatory blood pressure parameters in a Chinese population. Journal of Hypertension. 2022 Sep 1;40(9):1815-21.
Lee EKP, Poon P, Yu CP, Lee VW, Chung VC, Wong SY. Controlled‐release oral melatonin supplementation for hypertension and nocturnal hypertension: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 2022 May;24(5):529-35.
Lee EKP, Zhu M, Chan DC, Yip BH, McManus R, Wong S. Comparative accuracies of automated and manual office blood pressure measurements in a Chinese population. Hypertension Research. 2022 Feb;45(2):324-32.
Feng Q, Yang Z, May M, Tsoi KK, Ingle S, Lee EKP, Wong SY, Kim JH. The role of body mass index in the association between dietary sodium intake and blood pressure: A mediation analysis with NHANES. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 2021 Sep 9.
Lee EKP, Zhang DD, Yip BH, Cheng J, Hui SS, Yu EY, Leung M, Chu WC, Mihailidou AS, Wong SY. Exercise intervention to Normalize blood pressure and nocturnal Dipping in HyperTensive patients (END-HT): protocol of a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Hypertension. 2021 Jan 20.
Bo Y, Kwok KO, Chu KK, Leung EY, Yu CP, Wong SY, Lee EKP. Comparison Between Automated Office Blood Pressure Measurements and Manual Office Blood Pressure Measurements—Implications in Individual Patients: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Current Hypertension Reports. 2021 Jan;23(1):1-2
Lai FT, Guthrie B, Mercer SW, Smith DJ, Yip BH, Chung GK, Lee EKP, Chung RY, Chau PY, Wong EL, Yeoh EK. Association between antipsychotic use and acute ischemic heart disease in women but not in men: a retrospective cohort study of over one million primary care patients. BMC medicine. 2020 Dec;18(1):1-0.
Lee EKP, Yeung NCY, Xu Z, Zhang D, Yu CP, Wong SYS. Effect and acceptability of mindfulness-based stress reduction program on patients with elevated blood pressure or hypertension: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Hypertension. 2020 Dec;76(6):1992-2001
Bo Y, Kwok KO, Chung VC, Yu CP, Tsoi KK, Wong SY, Lee EKP. Short-term reproducibility of ambulatory blood pressure measurements: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 35 observational studies. Journal of Hypertension. 2020 Nov;38(11):2095
Lai FT, Mercer SW, Guthrie B, Yip BH, Chung GK, Zou D, Lee KP, Chau PY, Chung RY, Wong EL, Yeoh EK. Sociodemographic moderation of the association between depression and stroke incidence in a retrospective cohort of 0.4 million primary care recipients with hypertension. Psychological Medicine. 2020 Jun 11:1-9
Lee EKP, Choi RC, Liu L, Gao T, Yip BH, Wong SY. Preference of blood pressure measurement methods by primary care doctors in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Family Practice. 2020 Dec;21:1-9.
Bo Y, Guo C, Lin C, Chang LY, Chan TC, Huang B, Lee KP, Tam T, Lau AK, Lao XQ, Yeoh EK. Dynamic changes in long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter and incidence of hypertension in adults: a natural experiment. Hypertension. 2019 Sep;74(3):669-77.
Yip BH, Lee EKP, Sit RW, Wong C, Li X, Wong EL, sang Wong MC, Chung RY, ho Chung VC, Kung K, shan Wong SY. Nurse-led hypertension management was well accepted and non-inferior to physician consultation in a Chinese population: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific reports. 2018 Jul 9;8(1):1-9.
Last Updated: 24 May 2024